St. Ann's Degree College for Women
H.No.3-2-55/1, NFC Road, Mallapur, Hyderabad - 500076
Ph :040 27170257,9492030961
Email ID: stanns1206@gmail.com
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."
- Alvin Toffler.
The Library and Information Centre
St. Ann’s College has separate Libraries for UG and PG with vast collection of books, periodicals, Journals, Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and general books. Library provides different services. Theses Libraries were established in the Year 1998 and 2003 respectively in order to cater to the academic and research needs of the Faculty, Research Scholars, Students and Non-Teaching Staff. “Open Access System” has been introduced whereby the readers have direct access to the stack area to borrow resources and do the necessary reference.
To make available the existing and developing knowledge through Physical resources and E-resources for learning and implementing best observes.
To create and conserve conducive environment in the Library to induce thirst for knowledge among the students to become empowered women through education.
The foremost objective of the Library is to provide Right Information to the Right User at the Right Time.
To function as a knowledge hub of the College.
To inculcate reading habits among the Students & Teaching Community
To pleat a dynamic collection that supports learning and expand knowledge base.
To meet knowledge/information needs of the Faculty, to support their teaching & research activities
To benefit learners to acquire library skills, critical thinking, study & Information Literacy
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
Current Awareness Service (CAS)
Reference services
Clipping Service for the new arrivals
Inter Library Loan (ILL)
Lending Service
Literary Search Service
Reprography Services
Reading facility of News Papers (English, Telugu, Hindi) and Employment News (English)
The College is a subscriber of NLIST; an e-resource Consortium where from the users can download scholarly articles required by them directly from the publisher’s website.
An e- Zone has been created to provide internet facility for students and faculty members for accessing e-resources
Reading zone for students and Staff has been created.
The College Library Works on all working days between 9-30 A.M to 4.00 P.M.
Students are advised to maintain silence in the Library premises
Books should be returned on before the due date. A fine of Rs. 2/- per day per book will be charged for late returning of books.
One renewal is allowed if there is no demand for the same Book by other readers.
Students are advised to check carefully the physical condition of the books before it is issued. Once the book is issued he/she will be held responsible to return the book in good condition.
If the books are damaged they will not be accepted it the books are lost or damaged, the borrower has to replace a new copy or pay double the prevailing cost in the market along with postal charges of Rs.100/-
Reference books such as Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Journals, Project Reports Text Books with a marking “Reference” etc., will not be issued.
Students are advised not bring their personnel belongings & books into the Library except a notebook for making notes.
Keep your belongings at property counter.
Library cards and books are not transferable.
Books will be issued for a period of fifteen days only.
See the Library notice board from time to time.
Report immediately the loss of cards and books.
A Fine of Rs.30/- will be levied for the issue of duplicate Library Card.
The card has to be surrendered before the issue of Hall Ticket.
Violation of the above rules will be viewed seriously.
For any Library difficulty the students could contact the Librarian.
The collection of Books & Periodicals