St. Ann's Degree College for Women
H.No.3-2-55/1, NFC Road, Mallapur, Hyderabad - 500076
Ph :040 27170257,9492030961
Email ID: stanns1206@gmail.com
Our Best Practices
1. Value Based Education
In the context of scientific and technological advancements, there is a growing concern over the erosion of essential values especially among present generation. Values are the basis for leading a meaningful life. Mere knowledge will make one’s mind rich but soul will remain poor. Today’s students needs to be taught and trained to preserve and promote good values of concern, respect, equality, social justice, national cohesion and democratic citizenship etc.
To instill values through education.
To preserve and promote good values of concern, respect, equality, social justice, national cohesion and democratic citizenship.
Morning Assembly: To nurture God's presence through theme-based creative assemblies every morning. Every month each class conducts innovative and inspiring assembly that includes a short enactment/ reading a thought provoking story/ inspiring life of great legends or personalities etc. Melody club members invoke God’s presence through their melodious singing during the assembly.
National Days and Festivals: Independence Day, Republic Day, Women’s Day, Ethnic day, Christmas Celebrations, Dussera and Diwali Celebrations are organized every year with active involvement and participation of staff and students. A number of programmes are organized like value-based skit, dance, drama, ethnic walk, Dandiya, Bathukamma, Food stalls and other activities to foster patriotism, brotherhood and culture sensitivity and at the same time providing an opportunity to showcase their talents.
Moral and Value Education classes are held once a week that acts as an effective means for promotion of values among the students.
2. Empower Women
Women Empowerment is the key to social transformation. Women empowerment is all about equipping and allowing women to make life-shaping decisions through the different problems in the society. Leadership-building, especially for women can be achieved only through Higher Education.
To train young students with the required professional and life skills that improves self-esteem and self confidence.
To develop the ability of critical thinking and facilitate decision-making
The rapid social and technological changes have made our world unpredictable and the onus is on higher education to provide a bright future for the students. Education at St Ann’s aims at being more vibrant, competitive, meaningful and purposive to develop a skilled-based approach among students to cope with difficult situations.
Learning Facilities: The Institute provides learning facilities and opportunities in a competitive and collaborative learning environment to create a niche for themselves personally and professionally in the society.
(SPARK) Sharing Past and Recent Knowledge Forum: This forum helps Degree students to enhance their knowledge, through various subject-related Clubs for Undergraduates like @ Trades Club (Commerce), SCI- Club (Science), Geop Club (IT ) and Literati Club( Languages) are established. They organize creative and subject related activities every year to help students gain and expand their knowledge.
Placement and Training:Training is given in Group Discussions, Aptitude Tests & Soft skills. Mock interviews are held for the students so that they are able to face interviews with ease. All these activities of the Placements cell ensures that a fresher who enters the College turns out to become a confident, employable candidate when she leaves the institution.
3. Student Talent Enhancement
People with personal talent experience high levels of life satisfaction and well being. Talent recognition and exhibition builds a strong sense of self-efficacy, effective goal setting, and a personal commitment enhances students' achievements to higher-level career accomplishments.
To identify and develop personal talent.
To provide a platform by organizing events and activities to showcase their talents.
To recognize and reward outstanding talents through prize distribution.
Students who are gifted and talented have many outstanding attributes in a variety of areas. Some may demonstrate superior intellectual, academic, and creative abilities while others may demonstrate remarkable skills in visual and performing arts. St. Ann’s provides opportunities to systematically develop as well as manage such personal talent thereby helping them to self-actualize.
Annite Fiesta: A collaborative annual event of curricular, co-curricular and cultural activities, organized by departments/clubs that helps students exhibit their talents and abilities that builds a strong Annite culture in the Annite family.
Annual events: Inter College fests like Crystallaire, Avishkaar, Aroma, Exquizits, Commerce Euphoria are conducted annually and students are given the opportunities to organize various competitions during these fests.
Freshers and Farewell: Every Academic year the Seniors welcome the Juniors with a Fresher’s party and at the end of the academic year the Juniors bid farewell to their Seniors. These events not only inculcate a sense of belongingness and togetherness but also provide opportunities to identify and nurture talent.
4. Social Responsibility
Building a Culture of Caring: A CARING culture is the hallmark of our College- Caring for humans and community, caring for the environment and caring for the sublime. A caring atmosphere will develop a 'Caring impulse' in the students. Taking teaching beyond books and text and bringing it closer to context. This way of teaching helps to inculcate a sense of social conscientiousness in the students and inspire community work that would also help in bridging the theory-praxis divide.
To imbibe a sense of social responsibility in students.
To nurture eternal values such as kindness, compassion, empathy and respect towards the less privileged ones of the society
To protect and preserve the environment for future generation.
Carlo Club Initiatives: Caring for Humans and Community
Conducting fete to raise funds to contribute to the poor.
Regular Visit to Home for the Disabled -Bansilalpet, the Destitute centre (Friends of the birds of the air)- Nagaram, the orphanage, Home for the Street Children, Shanti Sadan- Mallapur, Home for the Intellectually challenged, Sadhana-Nacharam etc.
Christmas celebrations with the Street Children, Government School Children, Local poor, Orphans, Destitute etc
Celebration of the “World day of the poor” with the poor of the society.
Go Green Initiatives: Caring for the Environment
Every year Swacch Bharat and Clean and green drive is conducted to keep the campus clean and green.
The College spends considerable amount of money for landscaping and gardening. Saplings are planted every year to keep the campus green and eco-friendly.
The support staff takes great care of the garden, lawn and potted plants.
The college has recently signed a MOU with Recykal company to dispose all the solid and e-waste materials. Students took initiative to gather the solid and e-waste from home and from the neighbourhood as well and sold it to Recykal company.